Friday, January 30, 2009

Unit 1 Lesson 5, Help in the Storm Part 2

This lesson pretty much reiterates the previous 4 lessons, so I'm going to wrap it up by reminding you that recovery from sexual abuse is a process and takes time. What likely took years to develop will also take a considerable amount of time to resolve.

For many, the most difficult part of recovery will be to rely on others. During the countless discussions I've had with other survivors, I've learned that most of us keep ourselves busy helping and serving others. (Sound familiar?) As long as we are serving others, we are in control and our focus is on their problems and not our own. But it is time to deal with our problems and choose a lighter load. It's difficult to open ourselves up to needing and accepting others' help, but it is necessary to fully recover.

We can find shelter from this storm through family, friends, our spouse and God. What we must acknowledge is that our sexual abuse is not just our problem. It effects everyone around us and we can all choose to recover.

What do you need from your support people?

Support, acceptance, love, time, understanding, interest, forgiveness, help, belief, prayers, encouragement, hope, honor, trust, validation, loyalty, concern, physical affection, priority, care, a listening ear, someone who will talk about it, a shoulder to cry on? Create your list!

Do you have people in your life who are already doing these things? If you do, these may be very good sources of support as you take this recovery journey. Reach out to them, explain what you need from them, and accept their love and support as you begin your journey.

I am reminded of Matthew 11:29, "Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls." Jesus frees people from their burdens - including the heartache and pain of sexual abuse. The "rest" that Jesus promises is love, healing and peace. Allow your loved ones and Jesus to help carry your load, bringing you rest.

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